22. Fascists ▶47:29
The History of Fascism ▶3:40
Rick Steves' The Story of Fascism in Europe ▶56:20
The 10 tactics of fascism | Jason Stanley | Big Think ▶9:51
Why fascism is so tempting -- and how your data could power it | Yuval Noah Harari ▶18:23
The JUSTIFIED Execution Of Pietro Caruso - WW2 Chief Of Police In Rome ▶7:29
Is Donald Trump a Fascist? | Robert Reich ▶6:57
euronews cinema - Documentary lays bare Mussolini personality cult ▶3:11
Far-right marchers clash with anti-fascists in Portland ▶0:45
The BRUTAL Execution Of Mussolini's General Shot By The British ▶6:39
The Trump movement is turning America fascist w/Jeff Sharlet | The Chris Hedges Report ▶50:06
"Tear The Fascists Down" - American Anti-fascist WW2 Song ▶2:09
"Himno Del Trabajo" - Spanish Falangist Song ▶2:03
British Union of Fascists March October 3rd 1937 | BFI National Archive ▶9:53
From Socialist to Fascist - Benito Mussolini in World War 1 I WHO DID WHAT IN WW1? ▶9:57
Tear The Facists Down ▶2:10
Film Theory: Why The Star Trek Federation is Fascist ▶14:17
What is Fascism? Fascism Explained ▶4:08
Anthem of the British Union of Fascists – «Comrades the Voices» ▶2:40
5 Ways To Stop Fascism with Paul Mason ▶17:59
The Battle of Cable Street: Britain's fight against fascism - BBC News ▶1:12
Far-right activist Richard Spencer punched during interview | ABC News ▶0:27
Why Did Italy Become Fascist? | The Rise of Mussolini Explained ▶10:16
What is Fascism? (Two-Minute Takeaway) ▶2:35
Fascism in Italy: The hipster fascists trying to bring Mussolini back into the mainstream ▶10:19
Far-right groups and counter-protesters take to the streets in Portland ▶1:16
If You’re Not Scared About Fascism in the U.S., You Should Be ▶5:02
'Comrades the Voices' - Party Anthem of the British Union of Fascists ▶2:51
Why American Fascism Is On The Rise ▶17:09
The Rise of Corporate Fascism | Michael Rectenwald ▶15:26
Tear the fascists down - Woody Guthrie ▶2:24
The Rise of Italy's Far Right | Decade of Hate ▶10:43
John Bolton blasts Trump: Being a fascist requires 10 seconds of thought ▶10:59
Sir Oswald Mosley | Interview | Oswald Mosley | Thames Television | 1975 ▶28:31
Plantar Fasciitis: Causes and Treatments ▶12:16
Benito Mussolini: Biography of Fascist Italy's Dictator ▶5:01
Evviva Il Duce! Aka Viva Il Duce (1933) ▶1:04
Fascist Education System Under Mussolini ▶19:44
Rachel Maddow | Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism ▶1:08:52
The Story of Fascism: Mussolini’s Rise to Power ▶2:21
Fascist March Aka A Bloodless Revolution (1922) ▶1:21
Blackshirts March - Mosley (1936) ▶4:09
Zappa defines "Fascist Theocracy" ▶2:59
The First Fascist State In America Revealed? ▶9:13
🇺🇸 This is Antifa: Behind the mask of the US anti-fascist movement | Fault Lines ▶25:35
When Mussolini Met Hitler (1944) ▶1:07
Fascism and Mussolini | The 20th century | World history | Khan Academy ▶8:35
10 Powerful Songs That Smash Fascism ▶4:51
Mussolini to Antifa: The History of Anti-Fascism ▶5:28
How to Pronounce Fascism? (CORRECTLY) ▶0:50
Il Duce Addresses Fascists amp;*174; 200,000 On Fascist Birthday ▶1:09
American Fascists | Chris Hedges ▶54:10
Far-right and anti-fascist groups hold protests in Dover ▶1:23
Fascism: A Concern ▶5:02
4th October 1936: The Battle of Cable Street ▶2:49
What is the difference between an authoritarian, a dictator, and a fascist? ▶1:55
All You Fascists ▶2:44
How NATO worked with Fascists to Crush the Left in Turkey ▶1:21:40
Italy: Hundreds perform fascist salute in Rome ▶0:32
Dropkick Murphys "This Machine Still Kills Fascists" Album Trailer ▶4:44
Fanatical Fascists ▶3:07
Hundreds gather outside former Italian Social Movement HQ making fascist salutes ▶0:50
Historian of fascism offers lessons for democracies on how to resist authoritarianism ▶9:42
Can Fascism Take Root In The U.S.? | Think | NBC News ▶4:20
The Skeletons of Spain’s Fascist Past ▶16:36
Joy Villa: The left is very much the fascists they keep calling us ▶6:40
Free Speech: Colleges in the Crossfire | Moving Upstream ▶10:47
American Fascism And The Groomer Panic ▶26:04
Anti-fascist protests in London 1936 | BFI National Archive ▶2:10
Italian Proto-Fascists Occupy Fiume - The Adriatic Question I THE GREAT WAR 1920 ▶27:45
Arrests after right-wing and anti-fascist protesters clash ▶2:33
The British Fascisti (1924) | BFI National Archive ▶1:02
Teaching Anti-Fascism ▶1:32:57
All You Fascists Bound To Lose ▶3:22
Is President Trump Fascist? | NYT Opinion ▶5:03
Crowds Acclaim Mussolini - Rome 1922 (1922) ▶1:23
Why Fascists Call Their Enemies Communists Even If They Haven't Read Karl Marx? ▶10:55
How Fascism Works: A Warning for the U.S. ▶17:28
Fascism in America: Past and Present ▶1:51:50
Fascist salutes at Rome far-right rally spark outrage ▶3:30
The Mafiosi Taunting The Italian Judicial System ▶23:24
What’s Fascism Got to Do With It? The Ideological Origins of the Holocaust ▶59:00
Anti-Fascist Video Made by the U.S. Government in the 1940s is Shockingly Relevant Today ▶1:58
Dinesh D'Souza: Democratic left are the 'real' fascists in the US -- not Trump ▶17:11
The far right in Britain | Guardian explainers ▶10:14
Star-Spangled Fascism: Extremists and the First Amendment | Past Forward | American Experience | PBS ▶1:00:01
The Story of Fascism: Lessons and Legacy ▶3:35
Fascist Italy and the Jews: Myth versus Reality (part 1) ▶21:16
Italians openly make fascist salutes as Italian election dominated by immigration | ITV News ▶3:01
Ruining Each Other's Lives in SECRET HITLER ▶34:57
Trump labels the Democrats FASCISTS as he launches attack on Biden ▶0:46
Ideologies Left to Right, from Communism to Fascism ▶59:23
The Fascist Card: Why Does the Left Label Opponents as Fascists? ▶26:13
Understanding Fascism ▶31:32
Woody Guthrie - All You Fascists Bound To Lose ▶3:18
How Mussolini led Italy to fascism—and why his legacy looms today ▶0:10
Video: Is Italy seeing a resurgence of fascism? ▶12:10
Nazi vs. Fascist: Is There Really A Difference? ▶7:34
How Fascists Took Over Italy with Widespread, Intensely Personal Acts of Political Violence ▶0:26
Fascist | Definition, Characteristics & History ▶2:23
Ronald Reagan: 'If Fascism Ever Comes to America, It Will Come in the Name of Liberalism' ▶
The Economy in Fascist Italy - History Learning Site ▶
Fascists in our midst: the community whose leaders embrace Nazi links ▶
3.4 Nationalism, Communism, Fascism, and Authoritarianism - Introduction to Political Science | OpenStax ▶


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